Episode 101: Joe Clifford Returns

Joe Clifford is the author of several books, including The One That Got Away, Junkie Love, and the Jay Porter Thriller Series. I WON'T SAY A WORD is the latest in his SAY MY NAME series. Joe’s writing can be found at www.joeclifford.com.

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Episode 100: Steph Post

Steph Post is the author of the novels Holding Smoke, Miraculum, Walk in the Fire, Lightwood, and A Tree Born Crooked. She graduated from Davidson College as a recipient of the Patricia Cornwell Scholarship for creative writing and a winner of the Vereen Bell writing award for fiction. Her latest handcrafted novel TERRA INCOGNITA is available through her website: www.stephpost.com/

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Episode 99: Robert Swartwood

In the beginning, Robert Swartwood planned to write horror - but realized thrillers were his writer sweet spot.

Swartwood is the USA Today bestselling and ITW Thriller Award-winning author of The Killing Room, The Serial Killer’s Wife, No Shelter, Man of Wax, and several other novels. He’s also the author of Girl Gone Mad, One Year Gone, and Dear Seraphina, written under the pseudonym Avery Bishop. Please visit his website at www.robertswartwood.com/

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Episode 98: MP Woodward

Shadow State - book 12 in the Jack Ryan Jr. series - is M. P. Woodward's first Jack Ryan Jr. book. He chats with Terrence about writing in a high profile series already well underway and shares his thoughts about how readers are evolving in their reading preferences. Woodward is a veteran of both US intelligence ops and the entertainment industry. After leaving the Navy, he ran international distribution marketing for Amazon Prime Video. Today, he is a full-time writer based in Washington State.
Please visit his website at www.mpwoodward.com/

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Episode 97: Adam Plantinga

Debut author Adam Plantinga talks about how his work in law enforcement has shaped his writing. As he says – “there’s no shortage of material on the job!” Adam began his career in law enforcement in 2001 as a Milwaukee police officer. He is currently a sergeant with the San Francisco Police Department assigned to street patrol. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, daughters, and Chow Chow named Ziggy. The Ascent is his debut novel. Please visit his website at www.adamplantinga.com/

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Episode 96: John A. Daly

A lifelong Coloradoan, John graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in 1996 with a degree in Business Administration and Computer Information Systems. He spent the next sixteen years developing accounting software and Internet-based, workflow collaboration solutions. His Sean Coleman Thrillers (no relation to Reed Farrel Coleman) are available everywhere books are sold. Please visit his website at www.johndalybooks.com/

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Episode 95: Reed Farrel Coleman

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Episode 94: Shannon Bohrer

Shannon Bohrer served 27 years in the Maryland State Police. Following retirement, he taught at the FBI Academy in Quantico Va. He has written numerous Law Enforcement articles and writes a monthly column for a local newspaper. He holds an M.B.A. from Frostburg State University and has been an expert witness on the use of force in both state and federal courts.

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Episode 93: Steve Anderson

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Episode 92: Steve Urszenyi

Steve Urszenyi served for many years as a paramedic in Toronto and a tactical medic with the Ontario Provincial Police. As part of an elite tactical team, he was involved in countless SWAT operations and is an expert in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) incident response. PERFECT SHOT is his first novel and is available everywhere from Minotaur. Please visit his website at steveurszenyi.com/

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Episode 91: Jeff Circle Special Episode!

In addition to being the host of Spies, Lies and Private Eyes, Terrence McCauley is an award-winning, bestselling writer of Thrillers, Crime Fiction and Westerns. His most recent work is Chicago ’63. You can find out more about Terrence at his website, www.terrencemccauley.com/

Jeff Circle is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who served in the sand during Desert Storm. He’s been a police officer and a federal background investigator, and he’s supported special operation missions for counterintelligence activities in various deployed locations. He’s also the creator of The Writer’s Dossier, which you can find here: jeffcircle.com/the-dossier/

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Episode 90: Travis Davis

Travis Davis is a former Air Force brat who later joined the US Army, where he received multiple awards, including the Meritorious Service Medal among others. ONE OF FOUR, a novel of WWI, is available now everywhere books are sold. Please visit his website at authortravisdavis.com/

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Episode 89: Eric Bishop

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Episode 88: Ace Atkins

Ace Atkins is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling author who started his writing career as a crime beat reporter in Florida. Don’t Let the Devil Ride is his thirtieth novel.

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Episode 87: Meg Gardiner

Meg Gardiner is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of sixteen novels. Her thrillers have won the Edgar Award and been summer reading picks by the Today show and O, the Oprah Magazine. In August 2022 Heat 2, coauthored with Michael Mann, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Shadowheart is the 4th novel in her Unsub Series. A former lawyer and three-time Jeopardy! champion, Gardiner lives in Austin, Texas.

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Episode 86: Rob Hart

Rob Hart is the author of THE WAREHOUSE, which sold in more than 20 languages and was optioned for film by Ron Howard. He also wrote the short story collection TAKE-OUT, the Ash McKenna crime series, and he co-authored SCOTT FREE with James Patterson. His next book, coming from Ballantine, is PARADOX HOTEL. He lives in New York City. Find him online at @robwhart and www.robwhart.com.

Spies, Lies and Private Eyes is copyrighted by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network

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Episode 84: KT Nguyen

K. T. Nguyen is a former magazine editor whose features have appeared in Glamour, Shape and Fitness magazines. Her first novel YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID is available everywhere from Dutton. Please visit her website at www.ktnguyenauthor.com/

Spies, Lies and Private Eyes is copyrighted by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network

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Episode 85: Tom Straw

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Episode 83: Robert Hilliard

Robert Hilliard has written on sports, history and the outdoors for more than three decades. He started as a reporter for the Pittsburgh Tribune Review and has the distinction of having feature articles in three different sports Halls of Fame: baseball, basketball and Pro Football. IN FREEDOM'S SHADOW from Top of the Hill Books is his latest novel.

Spies, Lies and Private Eyes is copyrighted by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network

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Episode 83: Sarina Bowen

Sarina Bowen is a 24 time USA Today bestselling author and a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of contemporary romance novels. A former derivatives trader on Wall Street, she holds a BA in economics from Yale University. THE FIVE YEAR LIE is her latest novel from Harper. Please visit her website at sarinabowen.com/

Spies, Lies and Private Eyes is copyrighted by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network

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